Wednesday, September 26, 2012

outliers 34-47

Bill Joy

starts by creating atmosphere

"no-date nerd"

rewrote UNIX, which is the code that lets you access the internet

Java, too

Edison of the internet

one of the most influential people in the modern history of computing

"it was a world where the best men won, and Joy was clearly one of those best men"

what is the question of this section?

"Is it possible the same pattern of special opportunities operate in the real world as well?

"Is there such a thing as innate talent?"


how do we know?

not every hockey player born in January plays at such a high level

achievement is talent plus preparation

violin example

by the age of twenty, the elite performers had each totaled ten thousand hrs of practice

no naturals: musicians who floated effortlessley to the top of practicing a fraction of the time that their peers did

no "grinds": people who worked harder than everyone else, yet just didnt have what it takes to be in the top ranks

the thing that distinguishes one performer from another is how hard he or she works

even mozart! didnt hit his stride until he'd had enough practice under his belt

impossible to reach the number all by yourself. you need supportive parents, cant be pooor

need to be in a special program


What advantages did Bill Joy have?

punch cards
one of the first universities to switch to time-sharing

found himself in one of the few places where a 17 yr old could program all he wanted

24 hour computer lab

bug in the software that let you stay there forever

before he could become an expert, someone had to give him the oppty to learn how to be an expert

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